What Is the Niece of My Aunts Other Side of the Family

Sharilee has been an aunt since 2001, when her first niece was born. Her second niece was born 2 years later on. She adores being an aunt.

Brought together by blood. Kept together by love.

Brought together by claret. Kept together by love.

Becoming an aunt is completely out of i's control. When your sister or sister-in-law becomes a mom, you go an aunt. There is no life planning or cracking thought put into this occasion: basically, it just happens! And it changes your life.

In a similar vein, one does non choose to get a niece. You but are one, past virtue of being born into a sure family.

A niece is a girl of a sister or blood brother, a name, and a technical term. Information technology is a female related by claret. It is not a parental relationship, where roles are clearly defined. Nor is information technology a stranger, where no roles are necessary. It is a special relationship, withal.

In this article, I will have a look at the unique bond that exists between aunts and nieces: 2 females brought together by blood, just kept together by dear.

My life changed the day my niece was born and I became an aunt.

My life changed the mean solar day my niece was born and I became an aunt.

There is something special about the relationship betwixt aunties and nieces that is like no other. The aunt plays a unique office in a little girl's life, different than a mother's part or a grandmother'south role. The aunt is normally a peer to the mother, and equal in the family hierarchy, unlike the grandmother, who is one generation up. The aunt is the mom's equal.

The aunt knew the mom start, and the niece is born into that female relationship, whatsoever that might exist. If the parent was close to the aunt beforehand, the niece will benefit from that human relationship.

If that human relationship is strained, the one with the nieces may be a bit distant, unless the 2 make an try to repair information technology. The aunt is a woman in the child's life that will ever be there: through moves and changes, ups and downs. Unlike friends, who tin can come and get, aunts will always be aunts: a steady presence in a niece'southward life.

The aunt has known the kid every bit long equally the Mom and Dad has. She knows the history of the family unit, but from a dissimilar bending. The aunt knows the family history, likewise, and tin give a powerful sense of perspective to a niece who wants to know more than about the pre-her life of mommy and daddy.

My two beautiful nieces -- a drawing.

My ii cute nieces -- a cartoon.

When my oldest niece was born ix and half years ago, the waiting room was busy with her family who were absolutely breathless to see her. Ii of her new relatives were 2 aunts that loved her every bit, and waited together in intense anticipation.

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I was auntie number one, the sis of the mother. Auntie number 2 was the sister of the father. Both of us became aunts that day, and what a day that was.

My sister had a hard pregnancy, to say the least. She had lung complications to starting time with and so the little darling refused to come out on fourth dimension, forcing mommy into a Cesarean commitment that lasted over solar day.

We all waited around the clock, hovering at or about the infirmary, praying for a miracle. And come out she did, finally. Screaming and all-out mad at being shoved so abruptly into this earth. And she was the most gorgeous piece of baby you ever saw! Not that I'1000 biased.

When she came out, her mom and dad held her for a curt while. Then she was whisked abroad to the incubator room, where she lay writhing and crying under a hot light. Her grandma and her two aunties made inquiries and managed to track her down within the labyrinth of that enormous hospital.

As soon every bit nosotros spotted this explosive little parcel with night curly pilus and a perfect little cherry body, nosotros could not agree back our excitement and screamed in utter jubilation.

My mom, the grandmother and the dame, did not look for protocol, and check with the nurse to meet if we could hold her. No, taking all rights into her hands, she went in to hold her granddaughter and welcome her into the family unit. Nosotros aunts held back a scrap, waiting for permission, but beamed in pride at having now get aunties. We now shared a new bond, these two aunties, forever together in a love for this child that would never end.

My creation.

My creation.

Only An Aunt ...

can requite hugs
like a mother,

tin can keep secrets
like a sister,

and share love
like a friend.

-- Unknown

I was non able to be there in person for the birth of my 2nd niece. I was living too far away to get there on time, and fifty-fifty when I did, she had bonded so strongly to mommy that she hardly took notice of me for the first yr and a half.

The relationship with my second niece was i I had to piece of work a fleck harder to found. Because I did non run into her every day, she saw me as more of a stranger. Whenever I saw her, though, I played with her, and loved on her, all the while giving her infinite.

Around the age of five, she declared to her mother, "I miss Auntie," and from then on, she and I have been close. She loves to bear witness me her room, and last summer, she learned how to run up, and fabricated an incredible pillow, with the word "Aunt" stitched upon it.

Jane Eyre and her Aunt Reed

Jane Eyre and her Aunt Reed

In literature, an aunt is often portrayed as the alternative caregiver for a child if the female parent passes abroad. She is often common cold and uncaring, forced into caring for the young one, but doing so merely as a duty. This typical aunt is found in the novel, Jane Eyre, with the wicked and barbarous Mrs. Reed, Jane's aunt by wedlock, who treats Jane as less than her ain family unit.

Some other common aunt type is a female who must come in after the female parent has passed away, to assist intendance for the children and the household. For better or worse, the aunt is a presence in the kid's life, and may seem to human action quite selfishly. An case of this is in To Kill A Mockingbird, where a prissy Aunt Alexandra comes to treat Scout, and try to persuade her out of her tomboy ways.

A much more flattering image of an aunt can exist establish in the mod novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, where Aunt Sissy is the flirtatious sister of the Katie Nolan, whose generous nature gets her problem with men, only makes her love her nieces and nephews extravagantly.

I love my nieces!

I love my nieces!

Unlike the often troubled images of aunts portrayed in literature, aunts in real life are frequently considered to be fun. Some aunts are the fun shadow of the mother: unencumbered by the daily tasks of cleaning, bathing and disciplining the child, and able to add together extra colour and excitement to a child'south life.

I myself remember very conspicuously my Aunt Dale taking us for rides, and making a song most every single matter that you lot saw, such as:

"There goes the blue blue cadillac,
It would look ameliorate if it was black.
The rain is coming fast and true,
Every bit we ride forth this day anew."

Literally, she would make songs about nothing! And it was fun. Some aunts are just like that.

I suppose I volition always exist known as Charlie's Aunt.

— Princess Margaret

I am an auntie, and I am proud of it. Every bit an aunt, I feel a strong obligation to be there for my nieces. I share a bond with each of them that is very special. Because of the distance, I simply see my nieces three or iv times a year.

But these visits are an essential role of our lives. With my one niece, I talk about books and fantasy literature, like C.S. Lewis'due south Chronicles of Narnia. With my both my nieces, we are silly together.

They are giddy with me, and I with them, in a different way than they are with their Mom. I am like a kid with them, and that is okay, because I don't have to be the one to field of study them every 24-hour interval.

In doing enquiry for this article, I came beyond an interesting website chosen Savvy Auntie. This site is a identify for women, including aunts, godparents, and great aunties, who beloved the kids in their lives, but don't have kids of their ain.

Run by Melanie Notkin, the site offers activity ideas, gift suggestions, free articles and a customs for aunts. Melanie has also written a companion volume to the website chosen Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Dandy-Aunts, Godmothers and All Women Who Dear Kids. The book has fantabulous reviews, and is one that I would like to pick up myself.

A resource directed at the other side of the aunt-niece relationship, is called What Aunts Do All-time, What Uncles Do Best . This sweet footling volume showcases all the cool things that aunts (and too uncles) tin do for their nieces or nephews.


Aunt Marion was right . . . Never ally a musician, and never answer the door.

— Charles Schultz (found on BrainyQuote)

Since my nieces have been built-in, I have adult certain traditions with them that I endeavour to keep the all-time that I can. First of all, we commonly spend Christmas together, although last yr was the unfortunate twelvemonth that we were non able to exercise so. During the Christmas season, my sister and I try to maintain some of the family unit customs that our family unit did to celebrate the Savior's birth.

While I'yard there my nieces and I usually practise at least 2 sleepovers. The way it usually goes is that the girls come up downward to the guest room where I am sleeping, and nosotros talk until very late at dark, finally stopping the fun with the tired protest that I merely cannot stay awake a minute longer, and that mommy is going to get mad at united states of america if we don't finally autumn comatose.

Another thing I beloved to do is buy a book for each of them, for birthdays and Christmas. As the bookish aunt, I desire to share my beloved of books with them. They already do read prolifically, but I also want to share that passion with them.

Another habit that nosotros have as a trio, is to share sure stories, told over and over again—joyous ribaldry! One of those stories is the story of how my grandpa, their great-grandfather, "accidentally" used the lady'south bathroom at the camp, thus creating dire embarrassment in the hearts of his two daughters, my mom and my aunt. This story has been passed on from my female parent, to me, and at present to my nieces. I beloved passing on family history.

My nieces also honey to talk most past summers and Christmases, and we love to remember in great detail the time we got locked out of the pool at my apartment. My nieces besides recollect my pre-marriage days, which they barely can recollect, but enquire me to fill in the details.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2011 Sharilee Swaity

Deborah on January 05, 2020:

I disagree that childless Aunts are unique. I am a childless Aunt and I"m going,thru a hard, upsetting situation. My Dad passed away on,Feb 2019. My,house was sold and I mov4ef out of state to alive with her until my apt is prepare. I"yard on a waiting list and have been living with her for 6 months. My niece was and then happy when she heard I was coming to stay with my older sis. Thrb sitiation has changed that my Nuece, hubby and 2 girls are moving in and eventually my niece volition buy the house and so my sister tin can retire. She now resents me living in that location. She avoids. me and acts unpleasant. This is very hurtful. I haven't washed anything to brand this human relationship sour. Any suggestions?

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on April 07, 2019:

Renee, kickoff of all, thanks for the annotate. I am pitiful for your friend who is going through such a difficult situation. In this case, this aunt is thinking of herself offset, and therefore, I recollect it is acceptable to tell the kids, and so they don't observe out in a more hard way, especially because they are of age.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on April 07, 2019:

@dels, thanks so much for your question. I think that your ex still thinks of himself every bit an uncle, because of the close relationship that he formed with them, even though the two of y'all are no longer together.

dels on April 06, 2019:

if your ex calls your niece they niece what does that mean

Renee on April 04, 2019:

? I take a friend who is going thru matetial

Issues where she believe her husband and her sister are having an affair .

Since she is in that location aunt and a very close one to them

Aunt to her sisters kids should she discuss or bring this up with the kids who are over age twenty years quondam ?

Or wait .. til there female parent who may or may not bring it up ..

Or wait til it blows up and anybody will know

Damari on November 27, 2018:

Do you lot feel it's appropriate to enquire a child if you're their favorite aunt? I don't. My sister in law felt the need to inquire my nephew when she thought no one was listening. What an atrocious position to put a child in and how depression is your self esteem that you need to ask?!?!

Seriously on September 25, 2018:

Get a life! You're not the mom only you get in sound as if your function is more special. It's not. You did not do the hard work of pregnancy, labor or raising a child. Stepping in to chat and accept fun is dainty merely that'due south all information technology is.

Katana on August xv, 2018:

How-do-you-do, im an aunt who raised my niece... i was 12 when i started raising her. Her female parent was a major drug aficionado and would make her daughter weep... she was never there, and when she was she neglected my niece. I'g currently 19, and its time that i depart my mother'south house... and leave the child that i raised backside. I honestly don't know how to feel about it. Shes gonna weep. Only rhis article made me hope for the twenty-four hour period that i could be her aunt figure, not her mother figure. Cheers so much.

shaliza mohamed @22 call on August 05, 2018:

anisa happy birthday you

hemant verma on February 26, 2018:


y'all suposse, you volition always exist known equally hemant'south #mØsî

love uhh

Alice Chavis on December 07, 2017:

I love and have 4 nieces 2 that are 12and 2that are 7 anda nephew that 14,. I honey them and need assist delight help me.I'1000

Auntie M on September 25, 2017:


I empathize with you, and I am experiencing the aforementioned sparse equally yous of being disinvited because the kids talk also much about me, the fun aunt.

Angela on September 10, 2017:

How-do-you-do all,

I am really struggling. Since the day they were each born, I have been like a 2nd Mom to my nieces. I have such special relationships with each of them, am the Godmother of #2 and I honey them like they were my own kids.

Throughout their lives, I have lived ten miles away from them and I have been totally engaged in their lives - going to every sporting outcome, every schoolhouse function, every extracurricular result, etc. My sis-in-law e'er made a point to include me in everything and make me aware of every single one of their events. Patterns were established over the course of their early years as to my interactions with them/my level of involvement with their lives. My sis-in-law and I had an amazing relationship, as did she and my Mom.

Over the course of the past five years, my sis-in-law has become someone I don't even recognize anymore. See acts like she is bipolar - yous just never know who y'all are going to go when y'all see her. She yells at the kids more and her fuse is very short. I feel and then bad for the kids (they have 2 girls and 2 boys). Her and my relationship has been incredibly strained and she is oftentimes condescending, rude and downright hateful to me - many times in forepart of the kids. And she is very passive aggressive. Every time she has been, I take taken the high road and not responded - for the sake of the kids. I don't want them to experience more than uncomfortable than they already practice.

Recently, she blocked me from Facebook and stopped talking to me. I was finally able to talk to my brother the other night and they are basically blaming me for all of her hurt and anger the last several years - because I am too close to the girls and am "sabotaging" her efforts to build her relationships with them. My nieces are 14 and xv and her relationship with the 15-year-one-time is very strained because her daughter merely doesn't like her - which I don't blame her quite frankly. I hug them also long and too much, I have all the fun with them - which makes her look bad considering she is the one that has to discipline them, I take as well many pictures with them on special occasions, I spend also much fourth dimension with them at family events, we look at pictures on our phones too much when we are all together (Perchance if I offset printing them, that would make it ok?), I text/Snapchat with them too much (which is now my only fashion to communicate with them), I get to too many of their events - basically everything I have always done with them throughout their lives. My brother says that even though I may think I am interim in the best involvement of the kids, I am really beingness selfish and doing it all for my own happiness when I do all this because I am trying to fill a void in my life (I am single with no kids). I was flabbergasted. He said this has bothered her for a long time and now it is making it near impossible for her to be close to the girls. I am supposed to stop having the type of relationship I exercise with the girls and am supposed to inquire my sis-in-law what I can and can not do / how I can and can non act with the girls and "fall in line" with what they call up is acceptable. Basically, she would be happy if I merely disappeared birthday.

Beside myself, the ones who are actually suffering here are the kids. They all walk on eggshells when they are with me and their Mom is as well there. It's like none of us know how to act for fear of setting her off. She doesn't remember she plays any part at all in the deterioration of our human relationship and that it is all because of how I act. She will never accept any form of accountability.

My blood brother said the ONLY fashion this will be resolved is if I approach her and apologize (for beingness myself, basically) and ask her what the "rules of engagement" are. And I am SICK of having to be the bigger person and take all of the abuse and bullying from her. However, my youngest niece, my Goddaughter - with whom I take such a close/lovey relationship - has told me she is lamentable that her Mom and I don't get forth anymore. All the kids are torn considering she is their Mom and they dear me dearly. And I am torn because I don't fifty-fifty desire to come across her, much less talk to her, yet the kids are the loves of my life.

tayba zafar on July 27, 2017:

ah, i dear aunties, i beloved my puwa kaneez. love you lot aunty kaneez

SBM23 on April 25, 2017:

Hi, I know it is a bit late to comment, but I just feel so related to this article. I'm currently 18 and I have a 2 and a half year quondam niece (brother's daughter), information technology was dear at first sight and lately we have been closer than e'er! she wants to see me everyday and visits me often. What makes me sad is that I'll be leaving for college (to europe) in august and we won't exist able to come across each other that often. I know there'southward skype and stuff merely how can I keep that bond alive? it hurts me so much to go out her every afternoon and hear her cry for me. If mom is not in that location, she calls for auntie, she trusts me, she loves me and I love her deeply also. I commonly experience distressing after 2 days witouth seeing her and now I will just come across her twice a year! any tips would exist extremely appreciated. It hurts so much!

Jonathan on Apr xviii, 2017:

Hi. I am a Dad and accept a 3 sisters in police force- i single, 1 divorced and 1 married. The divorced ane who is not so close to my wife and lives interstate has made a addiction of visiting every month for the last year to see our first born daughter who is 3 years quondam. We feel this is excessive and believe its unusual as sometimes when she goes dorsum, 3 year old says she misses her and we don't feel this is fair on the child. Is auntie fulfilling her maternity needs at the expense of the child somewhat becoming rather fastened to interstate auntie?

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on March 08, 2017:

@peachpurple, thank you so much for your annotate. I guess it depends on how close the sisters and brothers are. Have a wonderful mean solar day.

peachy from Domicile Sweet Home on March 14, 2016:

I never had an aunt who loves that much, I wish I had one

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June 05, 2015:

@Stephanie Mclain, I am sad I missed your comment so many months agone. I have been away from HP for quite some time, only merely wanted to thank you for the comment. Information technology sounds becoming an aunt has truly been a life-irresolute experience for you. I am so glad you have such a shut and loving relationship. Take care and cheers for the comment!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on January 17, 2015:

@Chastity, I am so lamentable I missed your comment, and plainly, yous accept already written your newspaper. I am honoured you were able to use the quote, and hope your paper turned out well. Take intendance.

@kerlund74, I apologize for the late response to your comment, but I am withal glad that the hub had a good effect in your life. Thank you for the annotate. Take intendance.

kerlund74 from Sweden on Feb 17, 2014:

You lot bring upwardly something of import here; how wonderful close relatives are:) I will remind my children to phone call their aunt she lives in England. It is far away but they have a special bound. Great that you share your own experiences likewise, a great hub!

Chasity on Feb 14, 2014:

Hello i am using a quote from the "aunt and nieces unique relationship" and I have to quote it in APA manner using author tags, the yr this was published and the folio number.. I was wanting to know if someone would please help me with that? I likewise loved reading these stories considering I can relate to them with my neice:)

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on February 04, 2014:

Flourishanyway....that is and so nice that you lot accept such a close human relationship with your niece. That'south bully that you show your nieces and nephews a different side of life than their parents might offer. Thanks for the comment, and have a good night!

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on February 04, 2014:

@Toytesting ... I am so glad to come across a fellow auntie here on Hubpages and I am happy that the hub resonated with your experiences. Take a wonderful night!

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on January 02, 2014:

Lovely reminder of how much I love my nieces . I have a bunch and each one is special and unique. in that location is one that I am much closer to than the others because she lived with us at our home for several years and nosotros have remained close.

I too have such fond memories of five of my Aunts. In that location were 8 of them altogether.

The five treated me like a piffling princess...the others I really did not get to know very well.

thanks for the memories

Angels are on the way to you ps

Stephanie from Texas on November 30, 2013:

The mean solar day my niece was born was the first time I decided I wanted kids of my ain one 24-hour interval. I got to teach her all sorts of things and learn right along with her. She's then precious to me and continues to inspire me every time we are together! Thanks for writing and sharing! :)

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on September 09, 2013:

@Idigwebsites, I am so sorry for the long delay in commenting dorsum! There really is nothing like existence an auntie, is there? Thanks for the annotate, and take care!

FlourishAnyway from USA on August 22, 2013:

This is a cute reminder of my ain nieces. I in detail is and so strongly bonded to me that you'd think she were my child, although she lives in another state. I love giving them experiences that they do not get with their parents, as I am more than adventuresome and off the wall. Nephews are fun, too, of class. I tease them that they will need to take care of me when I am old. I am half hoping they'll at least tenderly remember me.

Toy Tasting from Mumbai on July 22, 2013:

Lovely! Information technology reminds me of my nieces and the beautiful bail I share with them..Thanks for sharing :)

idigwebsites from United States on July 03, 2013:

I've been doting on kids of my cousins (what do you actually phone call them? Are they too "nieces" or "nephews" or "2d cousins"?) But nix really beats the feeling when I became an aunt to an "authentic" niece, who is my start. Now she's a toddler and nosotros would savor our time together. :)

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June 20, 2013:

Victoria, I am pitiful that you are losing your girl to higher, but I am sure your relationship will ever remain shut. Information technology sounds similar you are and so lucky to have each other! It's so nice to meet a fellow non-parent auntie, besides. I don't have children of my ain, either, so my nieces are so important.

Thank you so much for your kind words, and also for pinning! Information technology's great to hear from you once more. I hope yous are done teaching for the year? I nevertheless have a week left and only counting the days!

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, USA on June 02, 2013:

I honey that yous wrote this, Sharilee! I don't have children of my own merely accept been an agile role of my two nieces' lives. My oldest, now 17, and I have spent many a night together. The past few summers, she will come one week per month and go to piece of work with me or stay home with me since I started working from home. Nosotros laugh, we melt, we talk--I am the cool aunt. I am lamentable that she is working at present, going to college in a year, and will take her own life. I am hoping she and I will always be close. Her picayune sister is 12, an I need to commencement developing that human relationship more with her now.

Beautiful hub about aunts and nieces. I might make a copy of this for my Emily when she turns xviii or graduates from college but to permit her know that I will always be here for her!

Love this! Voted up and more! Pinned this to my Family Stuff board!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 12, 2013:

M, thanks for the comment! Being an aunt is amzing, and it is prissy to come across a fellow auntie!

1000 on May 10, 2013:

I became an aunt to my gal "G" (niece) 8 years agone. My sister-in-law and her married man adopted her from Communist china and I was there to see her come off the plane when they brought her abode and I'm nevertheless here at home joyously waiting for her visits...8 years subsequently. Unfortunately her mom and dad are now divorced and it'southward been a nasty one for sure!!! But "Grand" knows that I'm right hither for her and no matter what happens to her little earth... she tin 10000000% count on me because I'grand "her" auntie Chiliad and I'd rather dice than let that petty gal down.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on Nov 15, 2012:

Mary, that is then cool that you are already an aunt at ten years quondam. I am sure you are an astonishing auntie. Thank you for the annotate!

mary on Nov 05, 2012:

i am only 10 and an aunty i honey being a aunty

T4an from Toronto, Ontario on August xiii, 2012:

I accept a feeling I will accept to expect for 1000 daughters. :) Now that is a scary thought! Have a wonderful day!

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on August 13, 2012:

T4an, give thanks you! That is so cute that your nieces are the daughters that you never had. I know what yous hateful, because I take two stepsons but no daughters. We need girl time, don't nosotros? Cheers once more for the annotate.

T4an from Toronto, Ontario on August 12, 2012:

Wonderful hub. I also take neices whom I adore. I am lucky plenty to take iv and although I dearest my sons so very much, they are the daughters that I never accept. Voted upward!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June 23, 2012:

@Jess, I don't know of whatever journals similar that merely it is a wonderful thought! I wish there was something similar that and it makes me remember it would exist great to publish it! Yous could starting time a journal by writing questions on the pages of a beautiful journal. Wonderful idea and thanks!

@Perry the Cat, that's great that you take just spent time with your nieces. Nieces truly are a major blessing! Thank you for the great comment.

Perry the Cat from Mouskin, Texas on June 23, 2012:

Here hither! My favorite niece and ane of her children but left for New York later on visiting me in Texas. I'd honey to have a identify to become to know my petty Flathead and her kids improve. And thanks to my brothers' wayward pasts, I go on finding out that I have more nieces about once a twelvemonth!

jess on June 20, 2012:

Are in that location any journals for niece'southward and aunts that don't live in the same state but desire to go to know each other better, for example I saw a mother , daughter journal merely haven't seen one for aunts and nieces?

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June 04, 2012:

Michele, it does sound like you accept a rich understanding of the meaning of "auntie!" I know what you lot mean about the joy you felt at beingness an aunt. I can relate! Have a great night and thanks for the comment.

Miche Wro on June 03, 2012:

A great hub. I empathize the bond between an aunt and a niece. I have a total of 11 aunts. My parents come from big families. I am closer to my mom's sisters. They accept always been present in my life. 2 of my younger aunts are like sisters, best friends, and moms. They wearable every hat in my relationship with them.

I am an aunt, and my niece calls me "Auntie." I beloved to hear her say it. The get-go time I laid optics on her I cried. I was so happy to have a lil daughter via my sis. Our relationship gets stronger and stronger. What I respect about our human relationship is how much she trust me.

Great Hub!!!!!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 31, 2012:

Diane, I so sorry for your loss but it sounds similar you had a blessing in the midst of information technology. I will have a look at your story. Thanks And then much for the comment!

Diane Bartok from Sydney Commonwealth of australia on May 28, 2012:

Wow, this touched a chord with me. Having lost my mother and sister shut to each other, my nieces have become closer to me- as their mother'due south sis, the closest blood to them and I in plow have become closer to my favourite aunt who reminds me so much of mum. With my losses, I am researching the family history. You may want to read my latest story on that - Render to Sicily. I look forrad to reading more of your articles. Best of luck.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 06, 2012:

Jools, nice to meet a fellow auntie! That is so awesome that yous also purchase your nieces books, and that you were that kind of influence: how good that must make you feel!

You are blest indeed to take 4 wonderful nieces. Cheers and then much for the comment. Take care!

Jools Hogg from North-East United kingdom on May 06, 2012:

PP, I loved this commodity - I have 2 sisters and four nieces, no nephews (seems to exist a shortage of boys on my side of the family unit, I'm one of 3 girls, no brothers). We share a habit - I as well buy books for my nieces (more lately book tokens) and i of my nieces always lets me know that I was an influence on her choice to written report Literature, she is set for university next year. I adore all four of them , they are unique girls, fun, feisty, savvy immature ladies and I love em all. I am Godmother to ane of them too.

Perry the Cat from Mouskin, Texas on April 08, 2012:

Me too. I have vii nieces just am really only close to a couple of them. Two I accept never met in person merely take contacted via facebook, three are quite young and so there's the niece-in-laws. And so my nieces take children, girls, and so I should count them also. Hmmm... seven more.... Yikes! This aunt thing could really become out of hand!

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on April 07, 2012:

Perry, that's funny! That's awesome! I promise I can be that practiced of an aunt to my ii nieces. Take care.

Perry the True cat from Mouskin, Texas on April 07, 2012:

Happy to exercise information technology. She was terrific. Large Yankee fan, also. She loved the athletic guys and used to say, "You lot hateful there's a ball in the game?" Obviously her attention wasn't on the box scores.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on April 07, 2012:

Perry the Cat, she sounds like a wonderful aunt that was truly a huge part of your life. I am lamentable for your loss and thank you so much for sharing.

Perry the True cat from Mouskin, Texas on April 06, 2012:

My favorite aunt died concluding year. I saw her but a week before she died and wasn't able to make her funeral, which my cousins understood. We used to talk at least once a week, laughing and telling each other jokes, discussing the families, keeping up with events, sharing "sightings" of strange and hysterical stuff.

After a twelvemonth without my aunt Mimi I nonetheless reach for the telephone when my grandson does i of his crazy, goofy stunts, when I see a funky bumper sticker, when I spot something and so baroque that I just have to telephone call her and report the "sighting".

I miss her. She was my best friend. Her funeral, I understand, was huge in our hometown. That was because, as everyone I'd meet at that place would say, "Everybody loves Mimi." And it was so true.

I miss you Auntie Meems.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on Dec 26, 2011:

ytsenoh, nice to encounter yous! Thanks for your kind words; I appreciate your cess. There really is a "beauty" to aunthood; yous are and so correct. Have care!

Cathy from Louisiana, Idaho, Kauai, Nebraska, South Dakota, Missouri on Dec 26, 2011:

What a really nice thoughtful and caring hub. Thanks. You lot did a corking job emphasing the beauty and value of aunthood equally well equally paying attention to the human relationship betwixt aunts and nieces.

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on November 14, 2011:

Bumpsy, that is so awesome that they were able to re-unite. An aunt actually can be such a special office for both niece and aunt. I am so glad that it brought back some good memories for you, besides. We frequently don't realize how meaning people are in our lives until years after!

Thanks then much for stopping by and leaving such a great comment. Take intendance.

Bumpsysmum from Cambridgeshire on November 14, 2011:

How truthful this is. My daughter was reunited with her Neice virtually 2 years ago subsequently an xi year gap, the Neice is now xx and dotes on her 'new' aunt who is old enough to offering advice but young enough to understand the bug of immature women. Bully hub, brought back then many memories of my youth when my aunts were still with united states, sadly now all passed on, but I had the pleasance for many years and loved my aunts who were more like older sisters.

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on November xi, 2011:

PC, information technology is a wonderful feeling, for sure! Y'all and I are blest, right? Have care and cheers for your kind words.

Sarah Carlsley from Minnesota on Nov 09, 2011:

Proud auntie here! It is truly a great feeling, isn't it? Wonderful hub :)

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on Oct 26, 2011:

MIM, yous sound like an awesome aunt and I am sure you are going to be an amazing Mom, too! Have a wonderful day!

motherinthemaking from Australia on Oct 26, 2011:

I take three nieces, ane blood, two past marriage. I love them all and my huband jokes that his sisters girls iii & five are in honey with me. I dearest seeing their faces light up when they meet me (and push right past my husband). I am going to have a baby and make my sister an aunt I tin't wait to see her with my bub

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on October 05, 2011:

Pia, that is such exciting news! I am so happy for y'all and it will be very special for you, I'one thousand sure. And yeah, aunts take kind of received a bad rap in literature but yous are so right that reality is very unlike. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and congratulations on becoming an auntie soon!

PiaC from Oakland, CA on October 05, 2011:

I'm looking forward to condign an aunt later this month! Deceit wait! I'll keep all your advice in heed. It's truthful that aunts in literature are not frequently portrayed positively, but nothing in life really reflects literature, does it? :)

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on Oct 05, 2011:

Giselle, I appreciate your lovely annotate so much! It was a hub that I had on my heart for quite a while and was glad to meet that the topic resonated with other people every bit well. Have intendance and I apologize for not getting back to yous sooner.

Giselle Maine on Oct 03, 2011:

Voted UP and Beautiful! What a not bad hub on an of import topic which needs some much-deseved attention: aunties and nieces. Thanks for sharing this topic from both viewpoints - personal experience, and from how the relationship is portrayed through examples in literature.

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on July 04, 2011:

Gm, give thanks you lot for visiting, and I hold that aunties don't have to be blood. So true! An aunt can be anyone that is non the Mom that cares securely nigh the child. Great insight! Take intendance.

Grace Marguerite Williams from the Greatest City In The World-New York Urban center, New York on July 04, 2011:

To prairieprincess: Great hub! Aunties come in all categories-claret and nonblood related. I enjoyed this hub immensely.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on July 04, 2011:

Ic, it's always so overnice to hear from a young man auntie! Those care packages sound amazing! What a wonderful idea to send surprises: that is a great style of showing love. Give thanks you so much for commenting!

lcbenefield on July 04, 2011:

What a wonderful hub! I plant myself nodding and grinning in agreement through the whole thing. I have two nieces I am totally in love with. We live about three hours drive apart and I proceed in touch with them through intendance packages that include scool supplies, craft projects, new apparel, anything I remember they might enjoy. They look forward to their Aunt's packages in the postal service. It'southward ever a surprise when they receive them. What a wonderful job beingness an aunt!

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on June fourteen, 2011:

Stephanie, they certainly are! I'm glad you enjoyed the hub. Take intendance.

Stephanie Henkel from U.s. on June xiii, 2011:

Nieces are certainly special, and hold a special place in our hearts whether we come across them oft or seldom. I likewise think ofttimes of my own aunts who I admired and loved. Fifty-fifty now when they are all gone, I remember the things I learned from them and how much I admired them. Thank you for a very dainty hub!

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on June 10, 2011:

Cathy, that is and so heart-warming. Yes, it admittedly is! I have such incredible times with my nieces, and intend to never lose that. That is so cool that you are at that bespeak in your relationship with them, that they actually advise y'all, and information technology'due south reciprocal. Get aunties go! :)

Cathy I from New York on June 10, 2011:

Great hub which had me reminiscing virtually my three wonderful nieces and all the fun times we take had together. Now that they have grown upwardly, our relationship has moved to some other level and i tin can take advice from them as well as give it. Isn't it wonderful to have nieces???

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 25, 2011:


Sorry for the long delay in commenting. I have been away from HP for a while. That is so cool that you have such a close relationship with your niece. It sounds a lot like me and my nieces! Thanks for the great comment!

Decal, thank you and then much for commenting!

WallStickerDecals from United states of america on May 25, 2011:

They are so cool! I would like to accept the same relationship like them as well.

Sharon Smith from Northeast Ohio USA on May 21, 2011:

Really enjoyed this!!! I don't have whatever children but my two sisters take a total of seven. The first was a niece. When my sister was pregnant, I was the one who went to Lamaze classes with her since her husband was working and in school. You would have thought I was the one having the baby with all my excitement. When my niece was built-in, I couldn't get enough of her. For the first year or then, I seemed to exist the just one who could get her to become to sleep. My sis would phone call me all hours of the night to come over and assist. I loved it! This niece is 25 now and a female parent of a 6 twelvemonth old. Merely she will ever exist "my lil girl."

I have another niece and besides 5 nephews. These kids have made my life complete and I feel extremely blessed.

Thank you for this very enjoyable written piece of work.


Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 21, 2011:

Hi Denise, thank you so much for your kind words! This is i I had in "draft" for quite some time, just finally finished information technology up. Accept care!

Denise Handlon from N Carolina on May 20, 2011:

Very cool hub, prairieprincess. what a unique hub topic and I love how you brought the role of the aunt in literature into it. Voted information technology up. :)

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May eighteen, 2011:

Sun-Girl, thank you so much! I am glad you enjoyed it. Have care.

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on May xviii, 2011:

Kashmir, thanks for your kind comment. Take care!

Sun-Daughter from Nigeria on May xviii, 2011:

Great work y'all actually did in here and i must confess that i so much love your hub.thanks for writing.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 18, 2011:

Marellen, that is then absurd that you grew up effectually such good aunts. It sounds similar your Mom was shut to her sisters and yous benefitted. Sometimes it doesn't work out like that but it's awesome when information technology does. Thank you for the great comment! Take care.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 18, 2011:

Sally, that's awesome! I bet they are very close, especially since she does not have kids of her own. I besides feel similar my nieces are somewhat mine, too! Cheers for the great comment.

Sharilee Swaity (writer) from Canada on May 18, 2011:

KoffeeKlatch, thanks for your cracking commment. That's so great that yous had a woman in your life that was there to help guide your manner. I agree, aunts are very special people!

Thomas Silvia from Massachusetts on May 17, 2011:

Howdy prairieprincess, a very beautifully written and awesome hub, which fabricated it a very enjoyable read !

marellen on May 17, 2011:

Very touching...y'all're right about Aunties....some we will never forget and that is and so true in my family unit. I had many Aunts, my Mom'due south sisters who nosotros all dear and miss dearly. I'm too an Aunt to one niece but unfortunately we are not close and this saddens me.

Truckstop Sally on May 17, 2011:

Wonderful read! I do non have a human relationship with any aunts or nieces, but my sister and my daughter take an amazing bail. My sister does not have any children of her ain, and so she thinks of her niece and nephews as her children-on-loan. I love the books you mention. Thanks

Susan Hazelton from Sunny Florida on May 17, 2011:

When I was growing up I had an Aunt Bea that filled all those parental spaces that had been left unfilled. She was my greatest supporter and a friend, every bit well as an adult authorization effigy. Aunts are indeed special people. Rate up and crawly.

rpalulis from NY on May 17, 2011:

Great job! this is such a precious hub that I have voted upwards and cute. Dear how you have defined the role of the Auntie and shared with the reader your feel of becoming an aunt for the first time. Excellent hub.

Sharilee Swaity (author) from Canada on May 17, 2011:

Hey Auntie, right on! Go, aunties! And aren't nieces wonderful? :)

Kristen Burns-Darling from Orange County, California on May 17, 2011:

I couldn't agree with you more! When I was lilliputian I had an Auntie who I idea of as my own personal fairy god-mother. My oldest niece was born on 26 July 1989, for all of her life she has had not 2, simply three parents, and I accept had enjoyed the privilege of being her 3rd parent for all of these years. She and her husband and their son, recently moved 1200 miles away, but we nevertheless talk on the phone everyday, several times a 24-hour interval. Lovely hub nigh a great bailiwick!


Source: https://wehavekids.com/family-relationships/The-Unique-Relationship-Between-Auntie-and-Nieces

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